When a Facebook Application Wants to Manage Your Pages

It really happens a lot these days in Facebook, when you just want to play a game or any other useful application and suddenly it goes through several steps verifications and the very last one of them which we want is the one which says: "This application wants to manage your pages"! Really? Why? For what purpose?

They initially claimed that it is to validate the user's account and identity, but wait. Don't we already have too many of those filters? We have already submitted and given too many details about our personal information to Facebook and now we have to give some more to the application developers?

But really, how many applications need to manage your pages?!?

The real problem with this is that if the spammer gains access to your Page, it can be used to spread even more spam, and to collect your Page’s insight data as well. They can connect their advertisement campaigns to your friends list, to your page members and this way they can get more access in to spreading their whatever ... !?

Overall I believe Facebook needs to make a really serious move about this. Most of the applications today in Facebook make it mandatory for you to give too many permissions to them about your profile and in my opinion it shouldn't be mandatory. Specially things like "Managing my pages in Facebook"!!!?